Sunday, March 1, 2009


As per referred letter the ECHS membership of re-employed personnel is kept under suspended animation since he is authorised all medical facilities from Armed Forces Medical Services as applicable to serving personnel. This was done to ensure that no Govt employee can be member of two Govt medical schemes concurrently. Representations have been received from the re-employed personnel regarding denial of appropriate medical facilities to their dependents since dependents of Service Personnel cannot be referred to empanelled facilities particularly at Non-Military stations. They have also represented against their contribution getting locked up without any interest since they are not availing ECHS facilities during re-employment.

ECHS is not a stand alone Scheme. It is an extension of Armed Forces Medical Services. As per Govt policy all ECHS members are to first fully utilise Armed Forces Medical Services facilities available in the station before being referred to empanelled facilities.

In view of the above following fresh guidelines will apply in case of re-employed officers, both pre and post 01 Apr 03 retirees chekc link

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