Monday, February 23, 2009

Pension pre 2006 notification

Here is the Govt of India notification dated 11 Nov 2008 regarding pensions forthe Pre - 2006 personnel. This has been ammended and the corrg dated 11 Dec 2008 and 20 Jan 2009 are attached too to get the whole picture.

Clarification issued by CGDA related to pensions

The CGDA has further clarified that the said Annexure-III is not the ultimate
determinator for the entitlement of pension and in case the revised pension as
per Annexure –I to the MOD’s letter dated 11.11.2008 happens to be more
beneficial than the one indicted in the Annexure -III ibid, more beneficial
pension will be payable. However, in case the pension consolidated as per
Annexure –I read with para 4 of MOD letter dated 11.11.2008 is less than the
amount indicated in Annexure –III, the pension protection as indicated in these
tables will be given. The rate of pension in Annexure –III is protective and not
the entitlement. Kindly go through the circular for a lot of additional information