Mr. Nirdesh Gupta, a prominent SC lawyer has been selected as our lawyer > to file a Writ along with IESM and a small retainer has also been given > to him. He had earlier fought the Maj Gens case before the SC and won > the same. Having fought that case, he is fully conversant with our > cause. His knowledge of the issues involved and the background > information that he had already gathered went in favor of selecting him.>> We are yet to decide on the firm date for filing of the Writ as we were > awaiting all inputs including the election manifesto of the major > political parties, withdrawal / running down of agitation by the IESM, > discussions with other Veterans Orgs to present a joint case before the > SC and remaining decisions of the Govt on some of the immediate issues > emanating out of the 6 PC.>> As you are aware we had taken up the inequity of granting Pension at the > bottom end of PB 4 scales to many ranks and the enforcement of the SC > judgment in the Maj Gens case with the RM, MOD and the service Chiefs. A > copy of the reply received from the PPOC in reply to the letter to the > CNS has already been circulated to all members and appears to be > hopeful. Informal discussions with the NHQ, MOD and others have > indicated that the Govt letter for Commanders/ PB 4 is likely to be > issued in the very near future. We have also been informed that it is > very likely that the new orders for grant of modified Pension Parity to > all ranks from Capt to Lt Gen are under advanced discussion and also > likely to be issued in the near future, before the current government > demits office.>> MOD had also requested for the name of a naval Veteran who will liaise > with MOD and provide advice for satisfactorily resolving the outstanding > issues flowing from 6 PC as far as we are concerned. The name of RAdm > Sushil Ramsay has been forwarded for the same.>> We will, therefore decide our next course of action after all these > inputs are with us by end May 09.
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